Sunday, June 5, 2011

10 Ways to be Sexier for the Summer

By Lynn Zavaro

1) Express who YOU are. Forget about trends. Be original. When you shop for new summer outfits follow this simple rule: If you just “like” it, put it down. If your friends wear it, leave it on the rack. If you don’t feel one hundred percent confident, don’t force it. Only buy it if you 100% love it and know it authentically expresses who you are.

2) Be spontaneous. Get out of the box. Live freely. Say yes to opportunity. Open yourself to explore, be an adventurer and dive into new experiences. If you are afraid of the ocean, try taking a shallow swim. If you have never tried shellfish, shuck a fresh oyster. Join friends at a social engagement you might not normally want to attend. Dare, be brilliant and willing to take a risk!

3) Hydrate. Besides the obvious tips of moisturizing and drinking lots of water, keep hydrated within to glow outward. Watch your alcohol intake. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Protect hair from dryness by using a good conditioning treatment or go to your pantry and get coconut or olive oil to leave on your hair for 20 minutes before taking a shower.

4) Shine. As long as you use sunscreen, there are benefits to getting sun, so take advantage of summer and get 10 minutes of sunshine a day. We need vitamin D! You can also get an organic spray tan free of chemicals to add a layer of bronze to the skin, cover cellulite and smooth out tan lines. Cleanse your face in the morning and at night to keep your skin clean. Watch out for too much cow’s dairy - it increases acne and oily skin. Also, focus on sharing your light within. Put yourself out there. Engage. Know in your heart of hearts that you matter, you are important and you care.

5) Flirt. Eyelash extensions are all the rage now, and they are added bonus to being sexy during summer! You can still have gorgeous, beautiful eyes without mascara running down your face when you swim, or another alternative, waterproof mascara, which is a b---- to remove. Plus, you don’t have to wear very much makeup when you have them. Be flirtatious. Bat your eyes. Why the heck not?

6) Travel. You may have plans for a fun vacation this summer, but why can’t the time at home this summer also feel like a vacation? Pretend you are traveling in your own hometown for the first time. Try sitting at a different cafĂ©, meeting friends at a different bar, taking a new route to work. Be open to experience life as if you were traveling to ignite new, fun and exciting views. While traveling we learn to anticipate change. Life looks a tad bit different. Out of the day-to-day grind, enjoy the ride!

7) Be Light. Eating light helps us to feel lighter and also increases concentration, digestion, energy levels and productivity. When we feel lighter inward we radiate light outward. Summer BBQs are a great way to eat light: a simple grilled piece of protein or vegetable with a light salad is a healthy and easy way to keep feeling light. It takes 20 minutes for our meal to be digested, so if you take this time, you will feel completely satisfied without having to eat large portions. Plus, how sexy will you feel a few pounds lighter this summer?

8) Know who you are. When we know who we are, we don’t get swayed by other people's impressions of us. We have nothing to prove, we have no need to compare and we don’t care about getting validation from others. There is nothing sexier than being in our own power! How we wield our power outwardly directly relates to how secure, lovable, “enough,” and worthy we feel on the inside. It is crucial to value ourselves within, not from the outside, to know our authenticity.

9) Be Bright. Add a touch of brightness to your everyday outfit. A bright red or orange lipstick, a pop of color in a handbag or accessory, big wild sunglasses, hot pink shoes with a black summer dress, something extra special to bring brightness to your self-expression. Go wild. Get noticed! Stand out!

10) Be free. If your mind wants to stop you from being your most free self say this mantra: So What, Who Cares, Big Deal, Why Not? Be you, unique and special all to yourself. Be generous to others, but let go of the need to be liked, loved and cherished. When the need is gone – watch out! Not only are you then free, but also people will be more attracted to you.

Sexy is not just in the eye of the beholder, true sexiness is how we feel inside confident, secure and assured with humility. When we are ignited within our light shines through. We are magnetic because people are drawn to our light. They want to know more who of who we are.

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